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Reply to "inventory tracker ????"

@GG1 4877 posted:

Same.  I'm collecting data in separate tabs by manufacturer so I can do decent data sorts but keep it all in one place.

Everyone should obviously use what works best for them, but have you thought about just adding a column in the spreadsheet to indicate manufacturer (rather than separate tabs)?  That was you don't need to search / filter / sort across tabs to find say- how many UP Reefer Cars do I have across different brands.  I have added columns in my spreadsheet for:

Date purchased

Purchased from

Purchase price

Free text description

Class (Engine, Freight, Passenger, Other Powered, Building)

Building Type (MTH Platform, Lionelville, etc)

Building Comment

Road Name

Engine Type (ES44A, 4-8-4, etc)

Engine Sound (PS3, TMCC, Legacy, etc)

Cab / Car #


Scale (Full / Traditional)

Purchased New?

Year made

Catalog #

Track tested?

Bin / Shelf Location

[hyperlink to picture file]

Plan to sell?

Date sold

Price sold

If you set things up in columns, you can also create ‘pivot reports’ to see- for example- what different engine types you have based on roadname.  I am a bit of a data nerd which is why I like Excel and the DIY approach, but if that is not your thing, it sounds as though some of the apps mentioned here might be a great solution, especially for somebody starting out.  Having to retrospectively gather and enter the data would be a chore using any approach or software.  The key is to start as soon as possible, I think.
