@RV Junke posted:Great replies...I am struggling with sell or keep the 17 rolling stock cars I no longer want, because I didn't know what I liked or what the track would end up as. So, the question is sell or put in attic? Not concerned of the financial loss. New to hobby 1 yr.. NO clue what to do and would love any advice from a seasoned hobbyist.
From the "do as I say, not as I do" department...
If you're not likely to use or display them and they're not a favorite road name or car type, post them for sale. At the right price, someone will want them. Nothing good will happen to them while sitting in the attic.
Some people have difficulty selling items because they're stuck on "but I paid $X for it, so it must be worth that much". Since you said you're not concerned about the financial loss, take offers on the lot.