Progress continues on my layout. All of the elevated lines are in place except for a 70" long truss bridge that will cross about mid-way back proceeding from the left across the bridge to a Y track for turning trains around. Once that is in place, next will be the 'flat lands' - maybe. I'm thinking I may do the mountains/plateaus at the elevated lines leaving out sections of plywood so I can more readily access the areas.
The upper level will be a double track main with two cross-overs and the Y-track. It is 10.75" above the framing at the post on the left and goes up to 13.29" along the right wall. The maximum grade is 1.60%. In the forefront of the picture you can see the line coming off and dropping down and ducking under the upper level on the right finally connecting to the lower level in the back right. The grade on this line is 2.50% which is the maximum grade on the layout.