Bruce if I may add something. I not only checked each cars couplings for the screws being tight. I put a small drop of super glue on each screw so they would not work loose. I then checked the couplers side to side motion. I used light oil and I mean light labels hobby oil. I used just a tiny drop on all the plastic parts that move. Like the side skirts that move outward when going around 072 curves. I also put a small drop around the coupers where they rub against the plastic body and under the screw and washer that hold them to the car underframe. I also wiped off any excess to prevent dust or gunk build up over time. This ensured that the couplers movment was smooth and they moved sided to sided without binding or getting stuck and always returning to center as they should. This ensures that the cars will track ok through the curves. I have run my set through 072 fastrack curves in a full oval and in a straight out and back with two s curves in a point to point type set up at full speed and nothing derailed whatsoever. All going either direction.
Once this set is gone through as you have stated it is a very reliable set and a joy to run. Could some things still have been engineered better on this set sure,but this set overall is just as good if not better than the original. The best improvement ( thank you dave olson) is the improved truck design.
One question though. If the engines are programed as one engine. Should you not be able to go into the TR and make a train with the engine as first thing added and then add the bistro car. This way you can use the train link button to access the bestro car? I dont have my add on set yet to try this out. It will work as you have stated,but would this way not be better.