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Lionel 6-39596 not responding

I have had this locomotive for a number of years and had zero problems.  When I tried to run it today the sounds came on immediately when power was applied and it does not respond to the CAB2.  When I move the program switch to program and applied power, it immediately started the sound.  Disconnecting the Legacy base, I can run it in conventional.  All other Legacy locomotives work, so it is not the base or connections.

With TMCC this behavior would be a bad antenna connection or a problem with the radio board.  I opened the locomotive and the antenna is connected correctly.   Looking at parts for this engine there are two boards listed that might be the problem: First; 692RCMC430 listed as “RCMC/receiver/driver/SD70 Ace/6-39596, the second is; 691RCVRB01 “Receiver board/RCMC.

I suspect that the 691RCVRB01 is correct since it seems to be specific to the model I have.  I sent an email to Lionel asking about it (it says to contact Lionel) but the answer I got was that they do not do out of warranty repairs and listed some people who do.

Does anyone know for sure which board is needed?  I would like to call Lionel and order the specific board.


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