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Reply to "Lionel Milk Car/Cola Car issues"

2. The fact that your other accessories are dimming indicates that you might have either too small a power source or too much resistance in the circuit wiring.
3. Do the accessories dim when just the magnet is energized without an operating car over the track?

Dale - 1) Interesting. That could be related to my 40-watt transformer that I mentioned in another thread. 2). Yes, the accessories dim whenever the magnet is energized, regardless of whether an operating car is there.

One last thing I should mention is that if the 4 wire cable is put on in reverse order, it will do like what you are experencing, but you already said your dump cars work. Try reversing the order of wires (turn the cable on the track 180 degrees) and see what happens.

Chuck - I have basically zero electrical knowledge (that scared me off from O Gauge at first) but that sounds easy enough.

Will probably work on that Friday and take all the ideas mentioned in the thread. Sorry that I didn't mention it before, but I'm using the FasTrack 6-12054 Operating Track