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Reply to "Lionel MPC F3's?"

Originally Posted by RRaddict2:
I just obained my first set of CB&Q MPC F-3's. The chrome finish is nice and it has the actual port hole windows but no vents on the nose or grab irons. Did Lionel slowly start adding details back on or did they do it all at once. Does anyone know when the horns returned I have none in mine. I really like these even without the grab irons and steps below the cab. I am also wondering if the Pullmor motors are smaller than the PW Pullmor motors or is it my imagination?


Your Burlington F-3 set dates from 1980, which in my opinion, is one of the best years of MPC production.


The body detail question was covered earlier in this thread, but here's the info again:


1979: The return of the portholes and nose grabs.

1991: The return of the two-piece horns (I think this is what you meant!), side vents and screened roof vents.

1998: The return of the nose vents.

1999: The elimination of the bottom ridges.


Your set doesn't have the nose grabs because of the nose decal. The electronic horn was first issued in 1981, as was added to F-3 B-units. (They even made a kit to do this.) 


The Pullmor motors used in your set are essentially the same ones used in postwar production, starting in 1955.


I hope this helps - enjoy your set!
