Really loving this thread. Todd, I'll buy that book when you haven't written it too!
Well, then I guess I'd sell two. Thanks, Jon!
I find it fascinating that there was an article in Dupont's engineering magazine about the change MPC made to Delrin. Thanks for that information - I have never heard any reference to that before. I'll have to search that out.
There are a lot of Lionel articles in various industrial trade periodicals over the years, especially in the 1970's: Dupont's magazines (both Engineering Design and Dupont Magazine), Machine Design magazine, Production Engineering magazine, Transportation & Distribution Management magazine, etc.
Lionel has also been a "featured user" in a lot of catalogs and promotional literature for different companies. Two off the top of my head are Bristol Brass (involved with Lionel's use of ElectroCal heat transfers first used in late 1972) and Colorbox, who produced a lot of Lionel's product cartons (boxes) in the 1980's.
Come to think about it, one of the greatest articles about Lionel ever published, largely because of color imagery that doesn't appear ANYWHERE else, was from an industrial house organ in the late 1950's -- Steel Horizons from Allegheny Ludlum Steel.
(P.S. Now you're probably getting an idea of what the "Paper" in my screen name refers to.)
The first mention of Delrin use by Lionel was the 1960 catalog in their HO section for couplers and bearing clips.
While I couldn't find the reference you mentioned in 1960, I did find it in the 1959 Lionel catalog. Great catch, Chuck! I had no idea that Delrin dated back to the 1950's.