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I got a kick out of this tonight -- the GP-30 is one of my all-time favorite engines, and a quick real-time price comparison on eBay reveals the following: Williams - $200.  Lionel - $500.


The Lionel version:;hash=item51a7e76e9e


The Williams version:;hash=item3f21d40abd


They both look like detailed units, they both likely pull a lot of cars, have lights/sounds/etc.  But the price is where Lionel loses me, and fast.  For $500, I can buy two of the Williams Geeps -- both of which Bachmann stands behind with a lifetime warranty -- and put the remaining $100 in the bank!  True, the Williams units may lack "Legacy" and perhaps a few tiny plastic details, but this is an example of why Lionel gets crossed off my list virtually every time I'm in the market for a new engine these days.  And as an investment, they're not worth $500 a pop.  I'll wage if the original owner e-Bay's them at a later date, he/she will be lucky to recover half of that.

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