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Reply to "LIONEL vs WILLIAMS : GP-30"

lifetime warrenty for williams is a relative term.

You still have to pay shipping to factory service

and pay $30 for any and all repairs.  Had a williams

F3 and after just one year, stripped a drive gear.

contacted williams(by bachmann) and they said they dont

sell just the drive gear, because they dont stock parts.

everything is made over seas. I had to buy the whole power

truck at $30. Ponyed up the $30, got the powered truck

and put it on the dummy F3 unti. Robbed a motor

out of the powered unit and made TWO powered untis that can run together

or by them selves. As a side note when installing the new powered truck,

decided to take apart othe powered truck and relube it. It was DRY as a bone.

thats why the original drive gear stripped. Came right from the factory like that.

so chck your Williams powered trucks for grease>!!!
