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Reply to "Lionmaster/Legacy 2.0 lash up options"

@B rad posted:

Figured I would ask in an older post.....

I know with a Legacy train you do not get all the features using the BT app but I assume you do with the LC+ 2.0 trains besides the lash ups? I am under the impression the LC+ line of trains was designed for BT operation so they do not have quilable whistles and some other things the app does not operate. Am I correct?



Yes and No.

LC+ was intended with the UR (Universal Remote) and the app in mind. The 2.0 now brings in TMCC, witch as you stated allows MUs. I think you get a much finer speed control with a Cab-1L or Cab-2 set in R100 mode than with the UR or the app. Also on the UR or app you only get one button for sounds. No choice as to what comes out. With TMCC you can hit 2 or 7 and get different dialogues. Of course it changes wether it’s stopped or moving but further more it’ll be different yet if you hit AUX1 before 2/7. Don’t get my wrong the App and UR are a great place to start and keep things simple but you can always get more out of the product.

Just my 2¢ Everyone is free to there own opinions
