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Reply to "Little People"

trumptrain posted:

Very nice thread Arnold!!  I like your LP scenes and stories that go with them!

I agree that LP really bring a scene to live!  Here are some of my LP folks.B&O switch crewB&O switch crew 2B&O switch job three Son of a Switcher BandBL2 Hogger salutesSwitcher #75 get the once overSwitcher 080 being servicedChain Gang & Patsburg Rd Eisenhower, Dali Lama, Mother Theresa, PopeyeMa & Pa Caboose behing the bushesFirehouse 5 Plus oneNW arrival as Reading departs JPGPatsburg Station more passengersPhotographer & Wedding Party in PatsburgSwitchers Ma & Pa, B&0, N&WSealtest deliveryNavy guy took sign seriouslyTrolly passes on upper levelSwitcher C&O brake rides side of carTucker dealer & Preston TuckerTuckers - Everyone checks them out Working the switch job

There's a lot going on here, Patrick. I particularly like the chain gang with the sheriff, the country and western music band and the wedding.
