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Reply to "Looking for suggestions on a "newer" steam loco!"

Originally posted by Jeff T:
What years were the LionMaster units made? I can go look in the old catalogs!

Lionel had several releases of these over the years from 2001
to the present. Sidetrack Hobbies has a full page ad in the Feb/Mar OGR magazine and they have a several of these "new old stock". Priced at $499, they are a steal, I would recommend the the 38000's from 04 as their smoke units are better and synchronized to the chuff. I owned the NP version 38091, sound was outstanding, nice deep "throaty" whistle and chuff soundset that rivals the new legacy versions.The up "greyhound version"38093 has the more raspy whistle found on the new LM bigboys,IMO the NP whistle is one of the best challenger whistle sounset out there. Video of both can be found on youtube.
Last edited by RickO