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Reply to "LOTS Santa Fe Maxi Stack Offering August 2023"

@RailRide posted:

2: Probably an extra truck without a coupler that can be used to join two or more of these into an articulated set. The initial traditional-size Maxi-Stacks were made as two-unit articulated set, much like their TTUX spine cars.


Railride is correct!  Thank you for responding for me!

The PDF attachment shows how to connect two cars with some suggestions about what to look for that might be a challenge or cause damage. The PDF attached is from two other LOTS Maxistack offerings over the years.  The SF Maxistack is the fourth "single" maxi-stack offered by LOTS in our 44 years of existence.  The parts needed to connect two car are packaged with the car.  The trucks will be silver trucks. 

If you have any questions, please let me know



Last edited by Lionel Operating Train Society