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Reply to "Match MTH paint color?"


If the color is the same as used by Weaver then it is Scalecoat Brunswick Green, now sold by Minute Man Models.  They have a website and you can order it from them.  They may now call it PRR Dark Green Locomotive Enamel. I have used it to paint several PRR Steam loco models.  It is almost black but there is a slight green tint in it.  I like the way it looks and when completely dry (no odor apparent).  ii dries with a gloss finish and it take decals beautifully.  I takes a few says to dry at room temperature but you can speed up the drying process by placing the loco in an oven set at 175 degrees F for about an hour.  Just be sure your oven thermometer is accurate or you can de-solder your loco!  I knew someone who had a gas fired oven with a bad thermometer that de-soldered a brass loco.  Not  a good day!

