For awhile, Wabash and the Texas Special (MKT and Frisco) had a thru sleeper agreement. It doesn’t get much print coverage, but I hope to get Wabash cars added to the offering as “extras”. The configuration is 12-4 - a bit different from the 14-4. Wabash cars (3 assigned) rode onto MKT and Frisco to Texas or MKT and Frisco (1 each) rode on Wabash to Chicago.
Reservation numbers will be important to get this Wabash car executed. 🤔
The Wabash car is Blue. Together with the B&O extra, the cars will add an interesting color contrast to a Texas Special consist. I doubt these cars have ever been offered before in O scale - Always a nice “plus”. Email Scott you’d like to see the the Wabash cars added to the offering !!!
Cheers 😉