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Reply to "MKT and Frisco Texas Special AND Frisco Meteor Offered by Golden Gate Depot !!!!!"

@TrainBub posted:

T&P, MP, and Frisco (I contribute on these 3) can all be prewar green or the later jazzed up paint schemes. I haven’t reviewed my notes on this lately but May return to them soon as the heavyweight reservations are improving.
I think T&P prewar coach will stay green, postwar probably Eagle paint. It’s possible for one sleeper to go green and the other Eagle paint. These sleepers went into Mexico on the Aztec Eagle.
MP coaches will probably both go Eagle scheme. The sleepers probably Eagle also.

Let Scott know your Preferences !!!!!

Frisco coaches will be green.
No sleepers are offered yet but I try to get them offered. They would be red and silver with smooth sides - no shadow lining.  There are only a Few.

NdeM coaches will all be pre war. I think some can be first class, some second class - just decal differences.
Sleepers - painted just like the coaches - green with orange stripe. All these NdeM cars are appropriate for an Aztec Eagle consist.  

Let Scott know your preferences !!!!! Nothing is set in stone yet.

Cheers πŸ˜‰

Yes I am not sure if the sleepers were ever green ( I can't find any pictures). I know that Pullman was broke up via the Government in 1944. Not sure how long it took to sell the sleepers to the railroads. The Streamlined Texas Eagle started in 1948 and I am not sure how quickly all the cars were painted into the Eagle scheme.  I was going to get two Pullman 12-1's for the Green Coaches and green T&P other cars to play it safe and also to run in my troop train with the Atlas troop sleepers. I know they should be tourist pullman cars (16 sections) for the troop train, but this is as close as I can get, I think. I am in for some T&P Green Coaches, one or two Mopac/T&P Eagle coaches and both T&P sleepers. Plus 2 Frisco Coaches, leaning towards the post war roofs.

Are you going to be working out the car names in the Texas Special sets / extra cars? or is that a Jonathan question.

