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Modeling the Rhätische Bahn in 0 Scale

Back in 2017 there was a post, "Rhaetian Railway", in this forum, the OP asking if modeling it in 0 scale was possible;  the responders' answers were, essentially, 'Well, it's not easy". I would agree with that, and while I didn't build an RhB layout, I could have.  Here's a condensed version of my experience:

About forty years ago I saw the full page color ads, mostly in RMC, about a new line of 0 scale [ 1:45 ] narrow gauge models of Swiss prototypes;  they were manufactured in Switzerland by Fama, and imported into the US by MRC, Model Rectifier.  It looked nice;  however, because of the high cost, I did not consider purchasing any.

Then a few years later I went to a Greenberg show;  it was in the summer, and consequently there were more non-local dealers, including one with a large LGB inventory -- and a working display of the Fama line.  He explained that Fama just wasn't the success MRC had hoped for, LGB being too entrenched, and they sold their entire US inventory to him.  I certainly took a good look at it, noticing the pricing was lower than MRC's list, and thought the quality was very good.  And I knew "what" I was looking at;  I liked the RhB, having rode the Glacier Express and walked the Albula Pass some twenty years earlier.  So after 'doing the show' I went back and took another look;  it was tempting -- and I was already modeling Swiss and German prototypes in 2R 0 scale, the unforeseen end result of another Greenberg show a few years earlier.  By now it was late in the show day on a Sunday, and the dealer said I was the only person to be really interested in the Fama line, and that he didn't want to cart it back home, so he offered me a great deal on everything he had there at the show.  I took it.

But the big "problem", then as later, was that Fama did not offer much in the way of RhB equipment, with just one non-standard loco, the two 800 class electro-diesels.  Most of the emphasis then, and with Fama's successors -- Utz, Kiss, and Roco -- were with the other major Swiss ng railways that had cog rail sections, such as the Furka Oberalp, the Brig Visp Zermatt, and the Brünig line of the Swiss Federal.  [ The RhB is adhesion only.]  This was understandable, as they offered rack track and locomotives that would operate on both adhesion or cog, just like those three prototypes, enabling a working model cog railway, especially advantageous for garden layouts, a key target market.  But knowing that I would have to do a lot of kitbashing to do the RhB, or at least a good approximation of it, I continued to buy more of it from that dealer, again at a discount.

On the rolling stock side Fama's production was a little better than the loco:

-  they did a 1st and 2nd class pair of modern full length passenger coaches, in both green and red liveries.

-  there was a pair of the shorter coaches in the two-tone red 'Bernina Express' livery to go with the 801/2.  The photo below shows this equipment.

-  a baggage car and a restaurant car were also shown in the catalogue, but these came out under Utz.

And that was it.  But in the realm of "what might have been" Fama catalogued in an early [ 85 ] one three 2 axle RhB 'must have' freight cars, the cement silo, the classic van, and a gon.  But by the next year's catalogue they had disappeared, eventually being produced many years later by successors.

Fama also displayed at a trade show a mockup of RhB 107, one of the preserved 2-8-0's;  the drive unit was I believe in the 2 axle tender.  I never saw another reference to it.

But as time went by, it looked like there would be no narrow gauge + standard gauge layout for me, for two reasons:

-  I could never figure out a convincing way to get the RhB up to the Swiss - German border

-  And, more importantly, the standard gauge took up all the available room [ and of course still was too small....]

But as Fama's successors brought out more items from the connecting lines, the FO and BVZ, I bought them, thinking an 0m only layout, perhaps a sectional portable one, featuring a junction station might be possible.  Wishful ( VERY wishful ) thinking !!!  But I also did acquire more RhB items over the years as they became available, or I ran across them;  I'll put photos and descriptions of these in my next post.  To be continued.....

Best regards, SZIMG_4245


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  • IMG_4245
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