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Modern lights

I have been searching for a good reasonably priced light to use in my yards. I run modern stuff. I've been looking at MTH, Lionel, K-line, etc.
I bought some LEDs that Dale H suggested and like the color and brightness of them. When I was in a parking lot I noticed that there's a common new light pole being used. This pole is in a lot of train pics now too.
It's much easier to copy as there's no bubble shaped lens cover needed. It's also not attached to a telephone pole, so no long copper pipes are needed either.
Here's my version being built:

I will wire them in series to get the best combination and brightness. They come with a resistor but I'm sizing it for an old train transformer I'm using to power other lights.
Here's a quick test with two AAA bats:

I think they'll be a tad brighter with the corrected voltage. Joe
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