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Reply to "Modular NYC subway layout - Times Square Station"

Looking for some suggestions regarding how to proceed now that that the newsstand is finished. Major components remaining are (1) the station wall along the tracks with supporting steel connecting to the main support structure, (2) the rest of the station steel support structure (the pic shows the near end - more than half remains to be done at the far end), (3) the mezzanine at the end of the station with lunch counter, and (4) the stairs from the platform to the mezzanine.

The mezzanine needs the station supporting structure and also the station wall to position and support it properly. But building those support structures make it difficult to then work around them to put in the stairs and the lunch counter.

I thought of building the stairs first and positioning them on the platform, then using that as an anchor to "grow" the mezzanine and the supporting structures from and around it.

Ideas and comments welcome. 😊


Images (1)
  • 20201212_184608
Last edited by West Side Joe