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Reply to "Modular NYC subway layout - Times Square Station"

A bit of an aside here: Some of you know that I also post pics of this project on a Facebook group page called "Only The Finest In O-Gauge Railroading" run by Kelly Harris (oops: actually "Scale", not "Gauge").  Facebook has decided to lock my FB account, for no discernible reason other than "unusual activity", and is requiring that I upload copies of personal documents such as driver's license, identification cards, passport, utility bills or bank statements, in order to "prove" my identity.

I have no desire to provide such personal documents to a company that locks my account with no opportunity for discussion or appeal, so if any of you visit Kelly's FB page mentioned above, I'd appreciate your telling him that all the posts by "Justino Garcia" (my FB name) are no longer visible.  Thankfully, I have never posted any pictures on FB that I didn't have copies of in hard copy or in other storage locations, so nothing lost there.

Perhaps there is no connection, but about a month ago, I sent a complaint to Facebook accusing them of rampant greed because in addition to selling my account activity information to the highest bidder, they had recently started flooding my feed with ads, so much so that every other post was an ad.  I told them I thought it was unconscionable.  Connection there?  NAH!

Sorry for the rant.  Back to the project.

Last edited by West Side Joe