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Reply to "Modular NYC subway layout - Times Square Station"

Sorry to hear that you are also a victim of Facebook's inability to handle the monster they have created. I always knew that anything I posted on FB immediately became the property of FB. I'm sure you did too. I never relied on FB as a repository of my pictures. I'm sad, though, that the discussions that took place on FB are also lost to me.  But it's all in conformance with the terms of service we agree to when we sign up for a "free" FB account, which of course is anything but free in reality.

Well,  all photos I posted on Fart Book are from my Computer files and safe (and remote-stored on backup SD Cards)-- so the only ones that have lost out are the many hundreds or more followers of me on FB who enjoyed and valued my contributions - photos, , models, historical stuff,  historical data and history, etc.  All now "hidden"  from all viewers (and me)  on FB but will not be put back as visible again, unless that account can be unlocked. That's THEIR loss -- not so much for me.  I have plenty of forums sites I am on and known on.  FB also has a bad habit of randomly "losing" posted messages and image content submitted.  It shows up and a day or so later -- its either totally gone or a statement "content is no longer available" is seen where it was located.  I cant unlock the account nor access FB on line help because I CANNOT SIGN IN ANY MORE!  A Stupid format system they have.

But again, that acct. was a sort of fabricated fantom ID account set up by Brian Deforest for me prior to and without even my knowledge -- until he later told me about it and that I "was then on Facebook..." (thru his setup fabrication).

He informed me today he contacted FB help and is trying to get it straightened out.  I doubt anything will result.

I set up a still not completed website on FB  called "THE LATE GREAT BRONX 3rd AV EL" some time ago.   THAT site, as a public view access site,  and all its content,  is still visible to me and all viewers on FB -- but obviously I can't log in to it now nor either access it to manage that photos-site which I created.  Its just stagnant drifting aimlessly on FB now with no one who can operate it  (which would have been only me).  Most all the photos on it were taken by me in the 1950's and 60's and are mine from and saved my own computer so they are not lost to me as such.   I am sure most all of my FB followers will now see "IRT EL MAN"  (being me) and all my content I submitted for 2 1/2 years now,  have disappeared completely from view from Facebook.  Its their loss.

regards - Joe F
