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Reply to "Motors in new MTH locos vs Motors in older MTH locos"

@harmonyards posted:

It’s not that either mfr. went cheap, …..well, sorta,……your older engine is Pittman equipped, that motor is pretty hard to beat. Very good low voltage performance, with lots of power even at the lower rpm/voltage ranges,……what happened was, Pittman’s parent company Ametek, pretty much ditched the hobby industry as a whole, by pricing themselves right out of our market, …..clearly they saw bigger fish to fry in aerospace, medical, and the ATM machine business…..they’re even pretty much out of the elevator door motor business from what I’ve been told,,……this happened like overnight, so it left our dynamic duo of mfr.s to find another source, …..Lionel went to Cannon, and at first, MTH was using a SPG motor from Korea, that was a really good knock off a Pittman, but for whatever reason, it was short lived, …..perhaps SPG was too pricey as well, and MTH just used them as a temporary fill in the blanks until a more permanent solution could be had,……they finally went to a Chinese motor, same size as a Pittman, but not as good as a Pittman IMO, ……but before you go cussing out the motor, try a good break in period to see if she’ll loosen up,……


Thanks Pat......what is considered adequate break-in?
