@harmonyards posted:I’ve swapped a bunch of Lionel’s from the crappy Cannons to Pittmans, always with better performance, …..all of my Legacy steam that WAS Cannon equipped are now Pittmanized,….( play on words there ) …..so I can say from the field that there’s an improvement in performance, …..I’ve set up a few motors for Lou, and he would have a better field report, as he’s swapped out those Chinese knock offs from a few of his MTH engines,…….so I’ll let @Lou1985 grade that performance…..
I've only got two Premier steam locomotives that came with the Chinese knock off motor, my SP AC6 Cab Forward and UP Big Boy. Both had issues running below 3-4 mph with the Chinese motor, but swapping in a 9234 Pittman resulted in smooth performance down to 1-2 mph. I'm pretty sure the improved low speed performance is due to the Pittman making more torque at low RPM than the factory motor.
Also as a FYI even though the motor in Premier steam locomotives are made in China the locomotives are still made in South Korea.