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Reply to "Motors in new MTH locos vs Motors in older MTH locos"

@harmonyards posted:

The only other scenario I see possible is if the dog bone coupler is slipping on the worm shaft. That would explain all his woes, …..kind of odd two would be doing it, but never say never in this industry,……might can use a flashlight and start the locomotive moving and see if the flywheel turns, but the drivelines doesn’t …….that surely would indicate lost motion…..that could definitely make the engines herky jerky at lower speeds,…..if this is the case, and you have two doing this, I’d suspect more complaints to be rolling in,……not a horrible fix if this is true, drill the dog bone coupler for a set screw, and never look back,….😉


If it's chuffing in time with the set speed and not moving, the flywheel pretty much has to be spinning.
