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Reply to "Motors in new MTH locos vs Motors in older MTH locos"

I have 3 of the new Pacific's :

20-3818-1 slowest I can get it to move is 3 mph using DCS using the handheld remote with no load lass than 10 minutes run time and it does jerk a very little.

20-3819-1 slowest I can get it to move is 3 mph using DCS handheld with 7 older K Line Heavyweights and 1 K Line Business Car and it runs pretty smooth with less than 30 minutes run time, Power draw is high about 4 amps but the cars are old and do not have LED Lighting installed.

20-3820-1 slowest I can get it to run is 3 mph using DCS handheld with 5 New Atlas formerly MTH Premier Heavyweights cars and it runs pretty smooth less than about 30. The power draw is less than 2 amps but all the cars have factory LED Lighting.

I feel as these locomotives break in more the performance will improve.
