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MTH CTA 3200 series EL Cars

A8F09417-C280-422E-91E7-3F65EAF5735167DB2CDA-73BC-4588-80BD-20E36DC1B080I just picked up the latest edition of the MTH CTA 3200 series EL Cars in the CTA blue circle logo paint scheme item 30-20576-1 from the 2018 Volume 2 catalog.

At first glance the latest offering of this set has a nice improvement in the way they added black paint around the windows and door creases the way they have on other passenger cars. However, they just did this for the doors leaving the side windows with sliver paint. The detail on the doors is very nice and a meaningful improvement. 

Next up I removed all four cars of the set. For those who, like me, are regular riders on the Chicago EL System the route signs on two of the cars looked very odd. The signs with Howard looked great on two of the cars with the correct red background. The other two cars which include the power car have Howard signs with a brown background. This made for a fun first start up of the set to see would the recorded announcements be for the Red Line or for the Brown Line! Turns out the PS 3 recordings are for the Red Line! 

The last item I found that needs work is the quality of the recording. The bell sound is very odd. The best I can do to describe it is it sounds like no bell anyone on Earth has ever heard! The audio quality is extremely poor. Putting these two issues together I hope it is just a case of a bad upload of the sound file. I’ll see if I have time to make a quick video of the sound.

Did anyone else have such a time with their set?

It’s on its way back for hopefully an easy fix. Come on MTH. I know you can do better!



Images (2)
  • A8F09417-C280-422E-91E7-3F65EAF57351
  • 67DB2CDA-73BC-4588-80BD-20E36DC1B080
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