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Reply to "MTH PS2 3 volt v. 5 volt"

OK, so I just did a survey from my inventory list, only, by MTH stock number, per Vernon's suggestion.  Did not open any boxes to confirm charging port configurations or none thereof.  Simply read the manuals as per MTH support files.  (BTW, there apparently is no manual on file for 20-2349-1, DRGW F3 ABA set)

So, the 'data' suggests I have 7 diesels + 3 steamers with PS2 of the 5v genre.  Since most of them have not been run for a while, I'd guess replacement of the batteries (BCR2?) would be a good first step before a road test?  That'll cost $XXX dollars, I suppose.

Second to replace the 2.0 with a 3.0 on a proactive basis (looking at the odds of 2.0-5v survival not being very good).  Not sure I want to know what that would cost...even if one could get 10 replacement any labor...maybe.  Probably talking $XXXXX.

Noticed that PS2-5v's of the same era on the secondary market auctions usually lack anything definitive re the actual condition of the system...or whether it's been replaced...or whether the pre-auction road test was its last gasp....etc., etc., etc..   And, yet, the selling prices aren't that disappointing.  Hmmm...

It's all very discombobulating.  Coupled with lurking Zinc Pestitis possibilities, and, well, I wonder that I'm storing a lot of 'junk'.  It's bad enough to leave the inventory itself for the next-of-kin to deal with.  But, expecting them to be skilled in the hobby's forensics, and, perhaps, ultimately be the coroner?...rather depressing.

Think I'll go get a beer and watch a M*A*S*H re-run.

BTW, Vernon, thanks for your summary and tips.  Good job...ruining my day!  (JUST KIDDING!!)


Update: I just realized that I now possibly have 10 candidates for Dead Rail...Batt power & DCC.   You know...Lemons⇒Lemonade.    For this sort of problem, I'd be open to a 'one-and-done' rebuild option.

Last edited by dkdkrd