@B rad posted:Nice! 4.5 star reviews. Must be pretty good. I did not know they made such a thing.
Beware of Amazon reviews. Many are obvious shills (canned wording or poor spelling/grammar), but some sellers bribe real buyers into writing positive reviews. I recently bought a couple of automotive items (car cover and dash camera) and left honest reviews about the products.
The review for the car cover was 2 stars - it misleadingly said that it would protect from hail, but was obviously too thin to do so. The seller asked me to reconsider, and they would send me another car cover. I responded that I would reconsider revising my review if they removed the fraudulent wording from the product description. Crickets...
My review for the dash cam was 4 stars, which is "pretty good" in my opinion. I now receive repeated offers from the seller saying that if I buy a new camera and place a 5-star review, they will refund my money which means that I get the camera for free.
As a result, I don't know when a good review from a "verified purchaser" can be trusted.
BTW, I reported both sellers to Amazon, but their products are still out there.