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My Opinion of York!

I know this will upset some of you if not most of you, but I have been to YORK for 3 years now and have been EXTREMELY disappointed! Every time we can get there, and we get there before the doors open but as you all know there is alot to go through. I understand this event is 3 days but some if not most of the younger generation can not make it much more than day. We arrived yesterday at 11 and waited till the event opened. We were all most through when at 4:30 and announcement came across the PA System stating that all halls besides the dealer halls would be closing at 5. We figured we had enough time to go through the hall as quickly as possible by 5. This surprised because I checked the York event page and it stated the following:

York Train Meet

  • From: October 22, 2015 - October 24, 2015
  • Location: York EXPO Center / York Fair
  • Venue: York EXPO Center / York Fair
  • Times: Thursday, Noon-6:30 p.m., Friday & Saturday, 9 a.m.-6:30 p.m.
  • Admission: $12/$20 go to website for details
  • Recurrence: Recurring daily
  • 334 Carlisle Ave, York, PA 17404
  • Phone: 814-928-0196

3-day Toy Train Show. Buy or sell trains, accessories, clothing, book & videos. This show has it all, including manufacturers. You Don’t Want to Miss It!


YES I know I am a member and I should have known all the places to have looked for this information on the TCA Site. Im sorry people I don't have time to navigate through that. Still it was put out there in this form for people to see. How hard would have it been to post that information on the York Expo Site? This would not have happened. Also its why not just make all the halls open till 6:30, doesn't that just make sense or did I miss something? Those vendors are there to make money. To have a Staff member go through at 4:30 and be yelling to stop yours sales and to cover your tables up is in my book unprofessional! Then on top of that, its understandable to announce that the those halls are closing a few times before 5 but to have a attitude on the PA System is again UNPROFESSIONAL! I was blown away by this. As I go by angry vendors, I know they knew the close time, but they had 30 mins where they could have made sales, some said "they push us out today and try to hold you here against our will on Saturday, just doesn't make sense" I agree! My last experience was we got to the show on a Saturday knowing we had limited time we still went. Wouldn't  you know the vendors are not to close up shop till 6:30, I believe and we seen people packing up by noon. 

I joined the TCA to enjoy these shows that I can make once a year. People want to know why attendance is down. Well folks its pretty simple in my book. I am 30 and most folks my age are hard at making a living. To have a show on Thursday-Saturday is your biggest problem. Working people can not make is happen with limited time off. Also as some other folks have said, opening this show to the public would be beneficial. I was told you can get better pricing for being in the TCA and going to York. I didn't see that, most prices where still what you would pay for from a good DEALER. If you did find good deals it was a member selling their trains. Don't get me wrong your may find few deals!


I don't mean to sound like a stick in the mud, The TCA is a good organization but they could do better with PR. Times can be updated not just on their site but everywhere they are posting their event. Also losing the attitude would be a huge plus! This is suppose to be a fun hobby, some take it very serious that's fine but some are here as a pure hobbyist and operator. 

Rants over. Just my opinion, everyone is entitled to one. I have not been impressed sorry!

There needs to be no FIRE STORM or bashing over this, I just wanted to give my opinion of the York Meet.  

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