Pot, meet kettle.
You state you've been going to York for 3 years yet are oblivious to much. I know this is tough for you younger folks but just try it - take 15 minutes and actually read through the Eastern Division website and many of your questions will be answered. I know it's tough to concentrate on any one thing for more than a few minutes with the proliferation of electronic devices but you really only have yourself to blame for not being informed. You do know how to use google, correct? Or ask away on this forum....
Once on the Eastern Division website the complete schedule is one mouse click away.
As a younger operator/collector, who works 3 jobs, and has a wife and child, I take offense to Greg Houser's divisive and disparaging comments targeting the original person who posted his opinion of York. To unfairly characterize younger individuals as lacking the ability to focus is wrong. Frankly, too much of the TCA experience is geared toward seniors to the exclusion of younger guys. Just look at the days and hours of operation. The same thing happens at TCA meets all over the country. They pack up and head out with their walkers and canes by noon! At times there is an almost unbearable generational social divide. Do you think I can find anyone to socialize with who has a wife or kids? Oh hell no. I keep getting trapped in awkward conversations about the latest surgery or prostrate problem someone is having. It's unfortunate that most of the TCA membership is now elderly, but I am not at that point in my life where everything revolves around the next doctor's visit. Consequently, I quit TCA, and I have no interest in their meets. There are just too many grumpy sellers, and socially unbalanced, aspergery, smelly, hairless rats, scampering around. It scares my little girl, just a seeing a child probably scares them.