Also had two great days at YORK. Although I only purchased sitting people for passenger cars and a few green LED lights for those PESKY ALIENS, I really enjoyed myself. Meeting up with MARTYE, GUNRUNNER JOHN, TRAINDIESEL, PETER at the Layout, VINCES TRAINS, and members of the DETROIT 3RAILERS,GEORGE, CHARLIE, and GREG, along with lots o other GUYZ, is always a high light.
My take on the two days I was there, is THURSDAY seemed like more people especially in the members halls. FRIDAY, seemed like the parking lots was starting to get sparse as I saw it about 3 PM. Vendors in the ORANGE HALL were widely spaced, with lots of room fro walking around. Even though I did see one of my wants it was priced in the very high end along with most things I saw. Glad I only purchased smalls. Still a great time with my Wife on Thursday and friends on Friday. I ll be back in October and hopefully my wants will increase.
The layouts were great in the PURPLE HALL, especially PUTNAMs aka PETES disappearing train. Very cool!!!