@Hot Water posted:Certainly sounds logical, i.e. the 1218 "excursion version". Having seen and photographed the real 1218 over many, MANY years during her excursion career, and can attest to the fact that she was very glossy!
I seen her fresh off her “ restoration “ ……she was indeed glossy, and classy,…..I do believe Lionel got it right this time for the excursion service, …….what people fail to realize, even when new, locomotives were painted in gloss, albeit a lacquer at the time, but nonetheless, a very high level of gloss, …..they weren’t flat like most models are painted, ……over time as the lacquer aged & weathered, then they’d go flat,…..gloss finish in scale is hard to achieve, ….this is a J I did for a fella in excursion service, ….no satin flat finish here,….