@Hot Water posted:Pat,
Actually gloss finish is no longer had to achieve on the prototype steam locomotive restorations over the last 30 or 40 years, when the Dupont Imron paint is used. Plus, the Iron is really easy to clean, and keep clean, no mater what gets on it. We had a fuel oil spill on 4449's tender, and washed off the mess with diesel fuel, then used Dawn dishwashing soap as the final wash. She looked as good as the day she was painted!
Agreed, ….I’ve sprayed a gazzillion gallons of Imron, …..I knew you fully understand finishes, Jack, ………it’s some of the folks on here **** bent everything is supposed to be painted flat finishes, ……a sight to see in the books are examples of Lima’s newly minted locomotives, sprayed in Glidden’s triple black lacquer, …..so glossy, you can see the reflections of the camera man & his tripod in the still,……😉