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Reply to "Neded Help With a Lionel ElectroCoupler PROBLEM RESOLVED"

@jpnrc posted:

One important point regarding Hudson Mike's comments.  The rear coupler wires are not connected to the bracket that Mike circled on his photo.  Rather they are the connected to the bracket that plugs into the pins on the far left of the motherboard.  They are the third and fourth wires from the top of the pins in the picture (the third pin from the top is marked "rear coup").  I did test those 2 wires with an ohm meter and got 8 ohms, which was within Mike's 4 to 16 ohm range.  So at that point since the coupler read good and I was was hearing a buzz, I took Vernon's suggestion to see it was physically stuck and found that it was.

Ok.  Excellent catch.  Sorry about that, but unlike some models I didn't have one of these to disassemble for confirmation.

So the set of pins I had previously circled are apparently used for a front coupler, if your unit has one, and yours doesn't because it's a 'B' unit.

The pins you mentioned, at the the other end of the board, are indeed for the rear coupler, and if you look closely at the photo they seem to be labeled as such, although in tiny and slightly blurred lettering:

Glad you figured it out.

Nice to know what was really the problem.  It will help other folks in the future.



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Last edited by Mellow Hudson Mike