Finally got all the parts in (except for the recessed coupling flywheel which is out of stock) and progressed a bit.
Had to warm up a regular 26mm flywheel, remove the coupler, bought a size T stubby drill bit and sunk the coupling as deep as it would go without interfering with the setscrew:
Then I mounted it onto my custom motor mount from sendcursend (had to countersink the mount screws to be able to push the flywheel as far backwards as I could, and was able to use the PS3 tach mount)
Unfortunately, still have a couple challenges. Even with the recessed coupling and after shaving off the bulbous ends of the 15.6mm dogbone, and warming up the coupling on the worm so I could push it 2mm further forward, when the motor is installed the couplings are still too close together, and the dogbone squishes in there and forces the motor to bind. So I need a shorter dog bone, should have just got the 10mm one to start with.
But the bigger challenge... Even with the 'appropriate' motor for this guy, and even though it looks like it should fit, there's still a tiny bit of interference between the mounting posts at the rear of the cab shell and the OD of the rear of the motor. I'm going to chamfer the sides of the rear motor cap next...
It's a hobby, right?