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Need help with small yard design...

Hello everyone,

I'm close to finalizing the track design for my 12X16' around the room layout but I can't seem to nail down the area where I want a small yard.

The Birmingham side of the layout is where the yard will be located.  I've toyed around with several idea but just can't come up anything that screams "Eureka".  I'm using Atlas O track for everything including the switches.  I want a lot of track in that space but I want the setup to be workable.  There will be building flats up against the wall to simulate the industrial nature of this area.  A Lionel coaling tower, Woodland Scenics' water tower and their upcoming switch tower will round off the structures.

Anyone like what I have shown here or would anyone like to take a shot at making it better?  I could really use some second opinions.



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Last edited by Buck Heard
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