quote:Originally posted by reutling:
I believe that what you are calling Atlas-Roco, Atlas had nothing to do with those two piece #6 switches. I believe they were just plain Roco.
IIRC Roco also had a line of cars, which had nothing to do with Atlas.
Not correct; Roco has never, regrettably, manufactured 0 ga cars other than the "Atlas" ones. [ Strictly speaking, they have manufactured 0 scale cars: the ex-Fama 0m narrow ga cars ].
Roco also made a line of track, which is larger r than Atlas 24"r.
Other than the #6's, the only non-Atlas-origin 0 ga track Roco has manufactured are 3 ft sections of flex track with the same sleeper spacing as the #6's; this is not the same tie section as the Atlas 3 ft section. Roco did catalogue the Atlas 24" radius [ as "radius 609.6 mm" ] curves and full straight sections under their own p/n's in Europe.
The larger radius track referred to may be the Rivarossi sectional curves, which were about a 32 inch radius, and used a much smaller rail section, perhaps about code 100.
Ed Reutling
I hope that clarifies things.
Best regards, SZ