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Reply to "Just Released MTH Imperial PRR S-2 Turbine 30-1786-1"

PRR1950 posted:

Did anyone notice that the paint scheme in MTH's youtube video doesn't match what customers are receiving.  In video, tender is plainer and firebox is only one color of grey, no lighter stripe.  Customers receive fancier tender (pinstriping) and firebox with added light grey stripe.  Is there more more than one version of this imperial model floating around?  Different part number?


I could be wrong but I don't think MTH put out a video for this most recent batch of proto3 S2 turbines.  The most recent Railking Imperial S2 proto-3 video that I could find was from 2012 for the 30-1561-1 and 30-1560-1 that were in their fall 2012 catalog and shipped in spring '12.  According to CTT's review of that 2012 loco MTH issued a service advisory to not operate until a resistor was added to protect the unit from permanent damage.
