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Reply to "Just Released MTH Imperial PRR S-2 Turbine 30-1786-1"

PRR1950 posted:

Did anyone notice that the paint scheme in MTH's youtube video doesn't match what customers are receiving.  In video, tender is plainer and firebox is only one color of grey, no lighter stripe.  Customers receive fancier tender (pinstriping) and firebox with added light grey stripe.  Is there more more than one version of this imperial model floating around?  Different part number?


I should have written this in my post: MTH released 2 versions in PRR. 30-1785-1 is the prototypical S-2 #6200 Paint Scheme.  30-1786-1 is a special T-1 Lettering scheme that has not been done before. I purchased the T-1 lettering scheme. I did also post pictures later on of the standard #6200 Scheme so everyone here can see them both in person versus just stock photographs.  RailKing models aren't normally taken out and pictures displayed by dealers since they are not Premier. But I feel imperials lately have been wonderful and deserve more spotlight as of late. 

Also, MTH released a Chesapeake & Ohio Version (30-1788-1) and Union Pacific Version (30-1787-1)
