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Reply to "Blackwater Canyon Line - March 20, 2025, Brick Street Extension Planning"

DoubleDAZ posted:

Hi Mark,

I know this design is very preliminary and I assume you know, but I thought I'd mention it just in case, that your lower level track is set to a height of 2.99" and the upper level to 6.1". Obviously, this will not work.

You also have your upper level track crossing over itself on the curves in the lower left section. Do you intend to have an over/under grade there or a crossing? The over/under on supports might be a challenge, but if your intent was a crossing, I don't believe Ross makes a curved one and the standard straight ones will change the upper level geometry.

You mentioned using GarGraves track with Ross switches. You're currently using GG switches, so I thought I'd also mention that the footprint of the Ross switches is quite different. I added a Ross O54 just to show you the difference in size. I used the GG O54 you had and didn't play with O42 or O72.

I hope you don't mind, but I also played around a bit to see what an over/under would look like on the upper level and added a crossover to the lower level because it looked like you were leaning in that direction. I wasn't sure of the layout size inside the room, so I just used 138x115. I look forward to seeing where this goes.





Your assumptions were all correct!  You had me figured from past conversations.  As far as the elevations, I tried to change them, but never figured it out.  I don't even know where I'm starting yet.  You were also correct about the upper loops, I was thinking of running them over and under as you did.  I didn't even know if the grades would be practical in that room, but thought the only way to find out was to try it in SCARM.  I was not aware Ross switches had different dimensions than GarGraves.  Thank you!!  So, what you shared is just what I had in mind for a starting point.  Of course, the upper level may only work as a once around with no grades, and I was thinking of sidings or a little yard for the accessories, but they can be added.  You gave me a great starting point!!

Thank you!!
