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Reply to "Blackwater Canyon Line - March 20, 2025, Brick Street Extension Planning"


Curious you wrote this about two hours ago.  It was at that time that I had another thought on this idea.  I will digress a bit.  Yesterday, I received the Atlas turntable I bought from Doug.  After looking it and the instructions over, I powered it up and moved the table around some, first with nothing on it, then with an MTH RS1 that was handy sitting on it.  It worked fine.  Now I had measured out 24 inches in the Davis/Thomas corner before I talked to Doug about buying it, and thought that two 24" turntables are going to defiantly catch the eye in my small room.  I thought of this again as I unboxed the turntable.

Now to this morning.  The thought crossed my mind that maybe I could hide one at least with removable scenery.  The town of Thomas is on a hill overlooking the station and yard.  Maybe I could make a foam scenic hill cover over the turntable, but still have a good sized opening in the side of it facing the aisle where I could observe the turntable movement.  When there is a problem, I could lift the town scene off to take care of the problem.  I would like to have some downtown buildings for at least one town, and this could be a way to fit it in.  It may be an idea that I will have to try out with some bare foam glued together to see how it works once the turntable and track are in place and fully operational.  Maybe I won't like it, but it would be easy to try.


I'm glad you are here with us.  I put foam on top of a plywood base on my last layout; the one I didn't get very far, then had to take it down.  Your idea was what I was going to attempt.  One thing I do have already is a large sheet of Homasote.  My mother-in-law bought a house a while back from an elderly woman who had been a seamstress.  My mother-in-law isn't that much younger, but that's another matter.  This woman had a large table in a basement room where she would layout all she was working on.  The table was topped with a large sheet of Homasote.  It is longer than 8 feet, I am quite certain.  I see she had measured marks on the top and lots of pin holes where she evidently laid out her work.  Since my mother-in-law doesn't use the basement, she will let me take the Homasote, and the large table for that matter when I am ready.  I was thinking of cutting the Homasote in sections to go on top of my cutout plywood put my GarGraves track and Ross switches on that.  If I was going with a flat topped table layout, I may have topped it with foam.

Thank you for the comments.
