Well John, I am very sorry about that! I sent two e-mails. I wonder who I sent them too, the server didn't kick the messages back as bad address.
Here is what I intended to send to you on Monday:
I received my copy of the book today, and am pleased to be the first customer. Once I get it read, I will be better able to suggest it to others. Leafing through, it does seem to be complete. A lot of the concepts are familiar to me having had HO trains and read a lot of the material geared to HO modelers. I agree, there are only a few O gauge modelers doing the same. Most opt for the numerous loops of track and maybe one crossing over all of them on piers. That is not what I had in mind when I first posted my layout design topic, but I still hadn't gotten away from the idea of having an option for continuous running.
I am going to read your book through and jot down notes, before doing anything else. I'm glad you wrote it geared to O gauge modelers, and hopefully more folks will buy and read the book, and take advantage of the ideas.
That's all for now. I have a book to read. :-)
Thank you,
I also sent one on January 12th, before you posted your initial plan. I wonder how I got a wrong address. Again, I am very sorry I goofed on the address.
You certainly have been busy! I never expected anyone to jump into my layout design this much! I do appreciate your interest and effort tremendously!
Yes, I agree at some point a phone call would be very worthwhile. I do intend to completely prepare the room before construction. I am not up for trying to work over a partially completed layout to paint, or install more lights or backdrop. I have some skill at building bench work, risers, scenery supports, etc. I am thinking I would do better if I bought a table saw. I have trouble with the vibration of power tools, probably from remnants of having carpal tunnel surgery on each hand twice and arthritis.
It is amazing to find someone with a vision like I had when I was planning an HO layout for a larger room. I had grades, but could stretch them out instead of looping around.
I do want some means of continuous running along with a point to point when I want to simulate a train delivering a load or a run through.
For a call I get off work at 5:00 arriving home around 5:45 on weekdays. I try to be done with calls around 10:00. I do not work weekends, so they are open. Right now my schedule has been a bit crazy since my mother has been in the hospital, then nursing care since Thanksgiving day. We hope she can go home Saturday, but she was weakened by the flu earlier in the week and has been quarantined, so it may not happen. Regardless, Dad will need more help for a while. I also visit my aunt who is in an assisted living home every other Saturday. But I can work a call in; just letting you know what I have going on.
I will be glad to see your initial plan. It sounds like a lot of action, scenery, and fun. I like building scenery most of all, but haven't been in a position to make realistic scenery for some time.
Thank you,