I gave it one more college try and here's what I came up with. I think I'm out of further things to try.
-- There's still a 2.8% grade on the inner line at the bottom, but that might be a little less steep depending on exactly where to start/end the grade.
-- The grade on the left shows 3.1%, but that falls to 2.5% if you include the switches on the grade.
-- Note that I rearranged both loops in the upper nook. The left grade can be reduced a bit more if you move the tunnel further to the right.
-- I moved the switch coming out of the yard to the other side of the double crossover so you cross as soon as you come out of the yard.
-- I rearranged the yard to add a crossover in the yard. This way you can pull a consist in on the 4th track from the bottom, uncouple the engine, move it past the switch, then crossover to the next track and out.
-- I still need to remove the double crossover from the bridge.
-- Also, note that the turntable/roundhouse configure is only as good as the models and different brands might have a different footprint.