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Reply to "Benchwork - Wiring - adding elevations"


Thanks for your insightful reply. At least that is a starting point. I will need to finish the L-Girder around the room, which means moving boxes as the build progresses. I am intending to put in two drop leafs to give 36" access to all walls, or as much as I can. They will not have any track so it is just for buildings and scenery.  One is along yard and the other is opposite side with the town area. I am hoping that will work out, so the backdrop can be painted without the need for the topside creeper. Now to re-read the MTH wiring information in my spare time, so I do not have to spend hours running wires then taking them out and running them properly. lol Thank Goodness I am retired, can't imagine having my full time job and doing this... Hmmm probably why I hadn't started the layout till now.
