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Reply to "Benchwork - Wiring - adding elevations"

Thanks Mark for the feedback on the deck. I have some 1/2" lexan that could be used for a deck support/platform. I am still hoping the 6"x6"x1/8" plate fastened to two 3/4" x 1/8" angle brackets that are then attached to the steel plates hidden inside the girders will be steady and adequate for this bridge. Mark or Mike g. what is the distance from hinge point of the bridge to where the actuator attaches to the bridge? And how far away is the base of the actuator from that hinged pivot point? I do have 5" clearance height from ceiling with bridge vertical, so at least that is not an issue at this point. Sorry for the scribble drawing, I hope it is useful. it also needs turned CCW 90 degrees. IMG_5205


Images (1)
  • IMG_5205