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Reply to "Benchwork - Wiring - adding elevations"

@DoubleDAZ posted:

Bob, did you notice that the switch connected to the TT is only O-31 and larger ones won't fit as currently configured? However, either way, once a train arrives, the TT is useless until the cars are moved off the arrival track. That's why there needs to be at least on more track connected to the TT.

The photo shows an alternate configuration using the light blue track for configuring outgoing consists, the red track for arrival trains, the grey track to move departing engines off the TT and the green/dark blue tracks for storage. As always, the problem is trying to marry a TT/RH facility with yard operations. In this case, the yard is attached directly to the TT making it really difficult to configure something anywhere close to prototype.

An alternative is to use just one track to service the TT and the other tracks for storage/configuration. A train would arrive and the engine would move onto the TT. A yard engine would then clear the arrival track and configure an outgoing consist. A departing engine would then move off the TT and pick up the consist.

Initially, the switches in the yard were so the yard engine could move around the yard, not for arriving engines to escape. And, if you noticed, the TT/RH is sized for large engines, while the yard is effectively limited to just 2-3 storage tracks.


I did not check the switch Dave. I had considered keeping one more track connected but was thinking along the same lines that a yard switcher would clear the arrival track once the lead engine was disconnected (at least that's how I'd run it on my RR. I agree that having the TT at the end of the yard presents challenges.

It takes a Village to design a good track plan......
