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Reply to "Now comes the F3 from 3rd Rail"

sdmann posted:

I can tell you this, I don't forget when I make a mistake and pay the price with cancellations and flogging. I won't make the same mistake twice, but there are always new one's to deal with. Sucks being human.

Maybe I can save you some grief on the PRR F3's.

All but 2 (9518 and 9519) had passenger style pilots. ALL PRR F3's had the smaller streamlined number boards. The first 6 A's (9500 thru 9505) had high fans, all others had low fans. All had only one horn from the factory. None had steam generators. The A's were factory equipped with coupler doors.

Don't say you weren't told!


PS: The single headlight is tilted slightly back toward the windshield, and is NOT vertical to the tracks. It pretty much follows the slope of the front of the nose going down toward the anti-climber.

Last edited by Simon Winter