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O Gauge Building wish list

I was scanning the Walthers web site a few days ago, and what really caught my eye was the range of buildings, both full structures, and background buildings that were available in HO and N scale that don’t seem to be available in O.

Now we have plenty of downtown buildings from a certain era, MTH, Walthers, Lionel and others make some nice built up ones, I own several. OGR-Ameritowne has some popular kits to offer, mostly down town, but a few industrial ones. The Korber line has a number of brick industrial structures that are nice. There are of course a wide range of laser cut and craftsman kits by several companies, and some I am sure I have not called out.

That being said, there are some that I don’t seem to see in O Gauge that would look great on a layout. These include steel buildings, concrete buildings, and some different brick buildings. Here are some links to the ones I found interesting.

number 1
number 2
number 3
number 4
number 5

So the question is,

A are they available, and I just missed them?

B what type of building is on your wish list?
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