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Reply to "O Gauge Building wish list"


You squarely mashed my hot button - the lack of buildings in O gauge. Roll Eyes Unfortunately, there are several factors at work against a more diverse set of buildings or kits:
1) As dkdkrd, Sherward, and Tom Yorke pointed out, market size, cost of equipment are all negative factors.
2) There seems to be a movement away from making buildings to buying them - probably a result of our more busy lives.
2) The blatant copying of structures by MTH has certainly discouraged smaller manufacturers from taking the risks required for new buildings. My understanding is that MTH was sued over this practice and did lose the suit (or settled out of court). But that's a good reason you see similar or identical buildings. Why does a market starving for diversity need 2 versions of Kirsten's Corner Cafe?

Realistically, the only answer is to scratch build your own. It's a lot easier than you might think, too. And if you want a larger building or 3-D backdrop, I can tell you from experience that you're pretty much on your own.

Like you, I do look wistfully at Walthers and other catalogues stuffed with HO buildings and kits.

